Learning to Do, Doing to Learn

The Maine FFA Association provides students with the opportunity to participate in Career Development Events (CDEs). The events are held in a number of agricultural, mechanical, business, and leadership skills. The competitions allow students to learn, practice, and demonstrate skills that will help to prepare them for their futures.

CDEs are judged by industry professionals and experienced professors. Having knowledgeable judges offers students a chance to ask questions and have meaningful discussions while they consider what to pursue after high school.

There are a variety of competition styles, and any contests have many different parts that students are tested in. In public speaking events students are expected to present written text in front of a panel of judges. Many students who have competed in these events go on to become state officers.

There are a number of contests in which participants must demonstrate technical knowledge and skills, such as in agricultural mechanics, landscape management, floriculture, and veterinary science. Students must pass general knowledge exams, show individual skills in technical elements, and work as a team during the group exams.