
State Convention

By: Izabelle Higgins

Are you preparing for state convention and starting to get nervous? It may be your first time competing in a certain contest, you don’t feel like you’ve prepared enough, or it could be your first time at convention. You’re not alone. Everyone in and out of the blue corduroy jacket is feeling anxious. Yes, that includes your advisors, they are probably more nervous than you.

With that being said I am not going to tell you not to be nervous. Yes, I want you to try to look past the nerves but if I told you there was nothing to be nervous about I would be a hypocrite. I still get anxious, and it has been years since I’ve zipped up my jacket (making sure my tallywaker was tucked in of course) and it will be a couple of years before I am bringing studentsto convention.

It’s a big deal but you don’t need me telling you that, that’s why I am going to give you a few tips that helped me when I was in your position.

1. Allow yourself to be present

Try not to solely focus on the event(s) you are competing in. State Convention should be a fun experience and putting too much pressure on yourself takes that excitement away. Don’t get me wrong, of course, I want you to do your best but don’t lose sight of the big picture.

2. Reach out to people

State Convention is a time when you can meet people with the same passion for agriculture as you. The bonds and connections you make will follow you into the next phases of life.

3. Be curious

If you meet an industry professional or another member doing something you think you may want to do in the future, ask them about it. It’s not embarrassing to ask questions; they will only help you expand your passion for agriculture and have a greater understanding of the industry.

4. Take advantage of every opportunity

Convention is a place for you to experience new facets of agriculture and presents you with an opportunity to explore the possibilities you have within the industry. Take part in different CDEs/LDEs, go on an industry tour, and take part in the service and social events. For some of you, this is the last time you will be in the same place as many of these members, allow yourself to look past what you think “you’re supposed to do” or who “you’re supposed to be.” Doing so will help you take full advantage of state convention.

5. Be a sponge.

Experience all the opportunities you can. State Convention gives you a chance to try new things. Don’t leave wondering what it would have been like to try an event or wishing you had made more connections. As an FFA member, you are among those lucky enough to gain experience in fields others won’t get until they go to school or enter the workforce. It will only help you to take part in everything, ask questions, and soak up anything and everything you can.

6. Be the best FFA member you can be

Being in FFA means something different to every member. For you, it could be perfectly reciting the Creed, exhibiting the best weld, or finishing your judging events general knowledge test on time. As long as you are proud of yourself and know you did your best, the end result doesn’t matter. Of course, State Convention is a competition but really it is putting you against yourself and asking you to put forth your best work. Try not to get fed up with the awards you could win, those will come. Use this time to grow.